
DB-VZ3-15 DB-VZ - ON/OFF zone valves

On/off control of heat or cool water flow. The valves must be combined with the SM actuator.


Specifications for DB-VZ3-15
Connection G1/2
Nominal diameter DN15
Kvs 1.6 m³/h
Max. diff. pressure 250 kPa
Media temperature 0…105 °C
Way 3
Specifications for DB-VZ - ON/OFF zone valves
Application District cooling, District heating
Pressure rating PN16
Connection types BSP internally threaded according to ISO 228/1
Leakage 0.0 % of Kvs ()
Media Hot water, Cold water
Closing direction When stem is pulled outward
Max. diff. pressure 250 kPa
Media temperature 0…105 °C
Stem Stainless steel 1.4305
Ball NBR
Spring Stainless steel